Live Streaming Service: Sundays - 8am est. | Thursdays - 7pm .est
Prayer and Intercession Ministry MISSION: The intercessors are called to bear the burdens of others as they intercede in prayer; interceding with God and taking a stand against the forces of darkness, sickness and ungodly circumstances. VISION SCRIPTURE: ” I exhort therefore, that first of all supplications, prayers and intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men. (1Tim. 2:1) The VCCI Prayer and Intercession Ministry comes together to pray on behalf of the partners, situations and matters related to VCCI and its partners, and situations that affect our county and country.
Product Development The Product Development Department duplicates and fabricates products for sale in the VCCI Bookstore. As people purchase the products they are able to hear the Word over and over and thereby continue to build their faith.
Security Just as Peter sought to protect Jesus, we serve to protect this house and our man and woman of God, by continual alertness for any disturbances that would detract from the smooth and peaceful operation of ministry during VCCI services. Come and join us as one of the few, the proud; the security team at “The V.”
Television Department The TV Department facilitates the spreading of the Word of God that is taught by our Pastors to the world. We do this by creating online video content, streaming live services, and producing weekly Victorious Living Today Television Broadcasts.
Transportation Ministry MOTTO:Victory on the Move; from your place to God’s place, transporting partners along the way! The Transportation Ministry uses VCCI Vans to transport partners and visitors to and from VCCI Sunday and Wednesday services from specific locations within the county. We provide safe travel in a comfortable environment so that those who desire to may attend and hear the life changing Word.
Ushers and Greeters Ministry SCRIPTURE: I Cor. 12:28; Dan. 6:3; I Tim. 2:4 The Helps Ministry provides seating and support to all who enter the sanctuary during all ceremonies and services at VCCI. We ensure that the Word of GOD goes forth uninterrupted. We serve with an excellent spirit and believe that all men are to be saved and come into the knowledge of truth. We commit ourselves to exercise compassion and show the love of GOD to all people who come to our place of worship, maintaining order and treating everyone with respect. The Ushers and Greeters focus on the needs of the people with love, facilitating an atmosphere which allows people to freely worship GOD.
Web Development Team The Web Development Team creates and maintains VCCI websites ( and We utilize the latest web technology to reach and minister to people around the world.