Live Streaming Service: Sundays - 8am est. | Thursdays - 7pm .est
Evangelism (E-Team) Ministry VISION SCRIPTURE: “…Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” Mark 16:15 (NIV) The Evangelism Ministry leads believers into a supernatural lifestyle of Kingdom building, by training up a core group, as well as partners, to walk in God’s fullness all of the time. We help them to capture His vision for their lives as ambassadors for this region (Montgomery County.) We:
Impart the core values for evangelism
Impart biblical principles
Provide personal testimonies to build believers’ confidence to move in the gifts of the Spirit
Encourage believers to continually be “filled” with the Holy Spirit and walk naturally “Supernaturally”
Provide opportunities for VCCI partners to go out into the communities of Montgomery County to evangelize
Events Planning The Events Planning department is involved in every phase — from design to execution – of internal and external conferences, seminars and other special events of this type on behalf of VCCI. The department also coordinates accommodations, transportation, and catering for the participants. Events Planning may also assist with securing event venues, establishing and monitoring budgets and negotiating contracts with service providers and suppliers.
Extraordinary Women’s Ministry Vision Scripture: Romans 12:2 -“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” The women of EWM are a community of women of all ages and from all walks of life, who come together monthly to fellowship in an atmosphere of love, faith, and friendship. Using God’s Word as our textbook, we are renewing our minds and literally being transformed into the image of Christ. We are all learning to appreciate our differences, recognize our inner beauty, and know that we are all extraordinary women.
Finance Department The Finance department counts all money that is collected through church offerings. The Finance Department also oversees collections for conferences, and activity registrations. To serve in the Finance Department one should have completed the partnership class, be an active partner for at least nine months and be at least 18 years old.
Generation Changers Student Ministries VISION: Jeremiah 20:9 “But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones…” Motto: We are on fire for God The Generation Changers Student Ministries (GCSM) take core values from Matthew 22:37-40, and we practice “Love Him; Love me; Love you…” in our behavior. GCSM is comprised of the following departments: Nursery, KIDS church, Middle School and High School (teens).
Graphics Department The Graphics Department creates material for print and electronic distribution for the VCCI websites, conventions, conferences, Resource Development Department, and any major activities or products that require graphic design and promotion.